For the next two weeks I will be traveling through portions of Western and Eastern Europe with two of my closest friends from DU, Matt and Monica. Monica and I will leave early tomorrow morning from Denver and fly to Chicago, where we will meet Matt and try and kill a five hour layover in the airport. From Denver we fly to Washington Dulles and than overnight to Frankfurt, Germany arriving early on Monday morning. Over the past few months we have confirmed our itinerary and booked hostels in various cities we plan to visit. After a few days in Frankfurt we will be flying to Vienna, Austria for three days. From Vienna we will take a rail line to Budapest, Hungary (possibly via Bratislava). After four days in Budapest we will fly to Croatia, landing in Split and traveling by bus to Dubrovnik. After a few days relaxing on the Croatian coast we will head north to Rijeka for one evening before flying to London on the 15th of September.
While I am not sure on how often I will be able to post over the next few weeks I do plan on drafting some blogs and will upload them when we have internet access. I figured a blog would be the easiest way to stay in touch, that way you aren't bombarded with email updates. Plus, it will be nice to have a digital journal of my journey's and experiences when I return. Once reaching London I will continue to blog as I plan to continue to travel. For those of you who are following along on my journey, please enjoy the photo's (I plan to post photos in each blog entry) and the stories, and I would love to hear from any one of you via email, comments in the blog, facebook, Skype (303-800-5382 leave me a message if I am not signed in) or any other means!
Hope everyone has a great Labor day holiday weekend!
I need a vacation just reading your itinerary. I guess that comes with age (tee, hee). We still may meet in Europe this fall. XX00
I hope you are having fun already. I have watched your flights and see you all are in Chicago most likely with Matt. I hope you make many dreams and enjoy this journey of your life. Just send lots of pictures back home so we can see some of the places that you are experiencing too. And most importantly, have fun and be safe.
Remember we love you and will miss you lots.
I'm so excited for you and for all of your travels. Have fun and soak it all up! You will remember these next four months for your whole life :) We'll miss you around the office!
Interesting pre-school [not to be confused with preschool] itinerary. Do any of you speak German, Hungarian, or Croatian, or have other connections to the region?
I passed through Split back when it was part of Yugoslavia. Come to think of it, I passed through Vienna on that trip as well. I met up with a Hungarian friend from NYC who had a car for a drive around Italy and Hungary. We took a ferry from Italy to Split in order to continue on to Budapest. His mother still lives in Budapest, but she doesn't speak English.
But back to your trip. In Frankfurt am Main, I'm sure it won't take you college students long to discover that a lot of the action (and old-world charm since Frankfurt proper was largely flattened in World War II) can be found on the south side of the Main River in Sachsenhausen. When I went to Frankfurt on business, I always went to Sachsenhausen for bratwurst in a hotdog bun with mustard on top--tasty and inexpensive from food stands.
When I hear "Vienna," I always think expensive and classical music, two things that don't really grab me. I look forward to seeing your reaction.
Guten Morgen Jason! Wilkommen Aus Deutschland! Glad to hear you made it to Germany - my old stompin grounds. Make sure to try some Weiss Wurst SauerKraut and Spatzle! There is a new restaurant in F a.m. (Frankfurt) called Silk - check it out at least for pics if you get a chance. Let me know if you need any help, my family is just 45 minutes south of Frankfurt in Wurzburg. Wien (Vienna) is another favorite city, check out the Opera House, and in their version of central park, you may catch an outdoor opera concert which they have several nights during the week in the summer. You must have the WIENERSCHITZEL - and despite what most Americans think, it is NOT a HOT DOG. It's sad how an Fast Food chain can make everyone think its a hot dog.
Have a blast, be careful and ENJOY. This is one of the best times in your life, you will learn more about yourself in the next 5 months then you have in a long time. I may be over in France in December, if I make it I will let you know. Otherwise I would love to pull off London for a long weekend.
If I didnt mention it, I am moving to LA in OCT to Rosewoods Century City office.
Good luck to you my friend. Peace
I am very excited for you! Can't wait to hear about your experiences!
Love, Aunt Cindy
Hey Cuz! I'll be emailing you soon with some must-sees in London. I loved Budapest when I was there, and I would definitely recommend going to Bratislava. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to hear more about your travels. :-)
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